$23,499 Generated in Revenue from a $3,472 Facebook Ad Spend Using Lookalikes

Client Intro:

A firm dealing in health and wellness supplements was looking to increase their sales and, hence, revenue. Learn how we came to their aid and ran a seamlessly planned and executed Facebook strategy to achieve a 780% return on investment!

The Challenges

To increase sales revenue for the client within the designated ad budget.

The Process

To achieve the numbers we were looking for, we:

–        Made use of Lookalike Audiences (LLAs) and created Super LLAs for a greater ROAS.

–        Structured the pixel and the lookalike audiences strategically to get the most out of the campaign.

–        Kicked off a “Conversion” campaign since the primary goal was more sales.

–        Started off with RFT testing to obtain winning assets at a rapid speed.

–        Rigorously tested various ad copies and creatives.

The Results

From January 1st, 2020, to January 31st, 2020, we:

–        Spent $3,472 on Facebook Ads to achieve $23,499 in Facebook sales alone (780% return on investment)

–        Achieved an average ROAS of 6X+.

–        Brought on board 641 new email subscribers.

–        Gained 184 new Facebook page likes.