63 Home Contractor Leads with a Lifetime Spend of $2,700
Client Intro:
A home contractor needed leads for his business and was struggling to meet his goals using Facebook ads. We took charge and helped him turn things around in no time at all.
60 Home Contractor Leads with a Lifetime Spend of $2900
The Challenge
To get B2B leads for less than $100 per lead.
The Process
To help the client achieve his goals, we:
– Began a TOF Facebook ad campaign with 3 ad sets.
– Started off the ad spend budget at $30 per day and slowly increased it to $40 per day.
– Used a combination of 4 ad copies and 8 creatives, perfectly designed to speak to the brand’s customers.
Once the previous ad sets had stopped working, we tested 3 new ad sets, one by one.
The Results
We managed to:
– Attain a total of 63 leads/scheduled calls.
– Achieve a Cost Per Lead value of $48.54, which was much lower than the desired target of $100.
– Get 3 ad sets that worked well out of a total of 6.
– Identify 3 winning creatives and ad copies each.