$81,813 in Ecommerce Sales with a 5.28x ROAS Using Facebook Ads


Client Intro:

A Black Friday-Cyber Monday Success Story – Before we started handling the advertising efforts of a Fitness Store, they were struggling hard to maintain break-even. Learn how we took over the account and turned it into a money-making machine

The Challenges

To get 2X ROAS using Facebook Ads – something the brand had been trying to achieve for months!

The Process
  • Identified the core problem: the ad spend was not being used properly. Instead, the store was spending most of the ad spend on traffic campaigns.
  • Turned off all irrelevant campaigns. 
  •  Launched a “Conversion” campaign, considering that the primary goal was increased sales.
  • Started RFT testing to get winning assets quickly. 
  • Designed dynamic ads with engaging graphics and minimal, client-centric copy addressing the pain points of the brand’s customers.
  • Rigorously tested the Ad copy/Creatives.
The Results

From Nov 15th, 2020 to Dec 15th, 2020:

  • The brand achieved sales of $81,813 on a Facebook ad spend of $15K.
  • The ROAS achieved was 5.28X.
  • 1,126 products were sold.