Professional Firms

Client Intro:

A Professional Firms in Phoenix, AZ.

The Email Challenges
  • This professional-client did not have full control of the site when they signed up with us
  • Their site structure was not SEO friendly at all
  • Most of their content was not optimized for any particular keyword
  • Their search visibility was almost non-existent
  • The Professional Firms had multiple practice areas but the site was unstructured
  • They had been burnt by the Indian SEO company
  • The site’s mobile load speed was improved significantly
Our Strategy
  • Complete pixel installation – we couldn’t afford losing data
  • We worked with the client to come up with a Freemium Model
  • We identified 2 products to test for the freemium model
  •  Created 4 different landing pages for Freemium strategy
  •  Email marketing strategy for follow up
  •  Retargeting funnel strategy
  •  Audience strategy was based on competitors, interests, job titles and Lookalikes.
The Results

The results skyrocketed in the very first month

✔️ Free plus shipping cost per result was as low as $5.40

✔️ ROAS even for freemium products was in positive because of the shipping charges

✔️ 900+ purchases recorded after the first month

✔️ Cost per purchase for core products was below $8

✔️ ROAS for core products jumped to 10.64% just from Facebook ads

✔️ Email marketing conversion from a free product to core product was 37%

✔️ AOV was increased using bundle offers.